MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2021 @ 9:30 A.M.
In compliance with Government Code Section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the commission, in advance of a meeting, may be viewed at 701 Main Street, Loyalton, California, or at the scheduled meeting. In addition, if you would like a copy of any item on the agenda please contact First 5 Sierra at (530) 993-4884.
As authorized by Governor Newsom’s Executive Order, N-25-20, dated March 12, 2020, the meeting will be conducted both in-person and virtually, accessible at the above address, on the internet, or by telephone. Members of the public will be able to join the webcast (instructions below) and shall have the right to observe and offer public comment. Any members of the public attending the in-person meeting will be required to wear a mask and to observe a six-foot social distance from others. This altered format is in observance of the recommendation by local officials that precautions be taken to address the threat of COVID-19.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 994 2191 7109
Passcode: 823161
Dial: 669 900 6833
A. Call to Order
B. Flag Salute
C. Roll Call
D. Approval of Agenda
E. Public Comment
The public has an opportunity at this time to comment on any item not printed for
discussion or action on this agenda.
F. Public Hearing
1. First 5 CA Annual Report: Commission to receive public comment and approve the
FY 19-20 First 5 CA Annual Report (Report can be found here)
G. Reports
1. Commissioner Reports
2. Interim Director Report:
a. Introduction of Lisa Watson as Interim Administrative Support
b. Process for Reviewing Statutory Requirement of First 5 Legislation and Review
of Strategic Plan
c. SPCFA Framework and Impact on First 5 Sierra Activities in the Future
1. Business Manager Report
a. Budget to Actuals Fiscal Report
H. Approval of Minutes
1. Action Item: Approve Special Meeting Minutes of February 17, 2021
2. Action Item: Approve Special Meeting Minutes of March 12, 2021
1. Discussion: Commission to Discuss Information Needed to Inform the Hiring of an
Executive Director
2. Discussion: Commission to Discuss Kindergarten Round-up Backpacks and Inserts
for Parents
1. Discussion/Action: Commission to Consider Authorizing Interim Admin Support to
submit ACEs extension
2. Discussion/Action: Commission to consider authorizing payment for Linda
Chamberlain (not to exceed $3,000) as a component of ACEs grant.
3. Discussion/Action: Commission to Consider Approval of Mini-Grant to High Sierras
Family Resource Center to Support Distributions of Education and Materials for
Families of Young Children.
4. Discussion/Action: Commission to Consider moving Commission Meeting time to
10:30 am. on April 19th
The next regular meeting of the Sierra County Children’s and Families Commission will
be held on Monday, April 19, 2021, at 10:30 A.M., virtually. Access information will be
posted on the First 5 Sierra website.